Hello! I'm Riya.
Current position: Graduate Student (MA1) in the Department of Psychology, York University [2023 - now]
Supervisors: Thanujeni Pathman (MDLaB)
Focus: episodic memory, autobiographical memory, development
Research Assistant in the Memory & Meaning Lab [2022 - now]
Supervisor: Buddhika Bellana
Focus: modelling spontaneous thought
Undergraduate training: BA. Spec. Hons. Psychology, York University, Glendon campus [2022]
What I am curious about: How school-aged children encode and retrieve different types of memory (temporal, spatial); Factors that help and hinder memory retrieval; How children move through their spontaneous thoughts
Random fact: I love deep-diving into internet horror series, like this.
Want to know more?
email: trikhar@yorku.ca
twitter: @riyatrikha_
email for CV